Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Vicarious Living In The Aftermath

While I've always been a fan of zombies and all the related fiction/films, I've strayed from another love over the years. The love of survival in a post apocalyptic world. This genre of fiction has such a rich canvas of possibilities and I'll be exploring some of those on this blog.

I will state for the record...I like mindless violence and heroic archetypes. As a child of the 80's, I grew up in a culture of "America vs. Russia." It was prevalent in movies(Red Dawn), sports(U.S. Olympic Hockey Team), and politics(Mr.Gorbachev...tear down this wall!)  I read many books that followed this sentiment into the post apocalyptic world.  I remember The Doomsday Warrior and Aftermath series.  I didn't fully appreciate the pulpiness of those titles like I do now.

As for what to read, I'll be using the Post Apocalyptic Book List as my jumping off point.  I happen to be a fan of books in a series so I'll start with those.  I'll usually read the first title before committing to the whole series.  All my opinions and reactions will be shared here in the hope that others will be turned on to some fun reading.

My warning: Many of these books are out of print and very few are available in ebook or PDF forms.  My main source for the works will be Amazon.com, which seems like a fairly reasonable place to locate most of the older titles.

I encourage readers to follow my progress and suggest other books they feel would fit the bill of the post apocalyptic genre.  Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions.

Well, that's it...my vehicle has a full tank of juice, I've packed plenty of ammo, and I've taken my anti-radiation pills.  Let's turn the key and hit the gas.

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